Your age on other planets
How old would you be on other planets?
Planets circle the Sun at different orbits and different speeds. They also spin around their axis at a different pace, thus days and years pass faster or slower there. Would you like to know what's your age on Mars or Pluto? Enter your birthdate to find out:
How to start?
Simply select your birthdate in the form above and our app will calculate how many revolutions around the Sun and how many spins on its axis did each planet make in this time - meaning, how many years and days have passed there. It will also give you the date of your next birthday on each of the planets. Read here if you want to know more about this.
More birthdays!
Why celebrate your birthday only once a year? You have more! Enjoy your Mercurian, Venusian, and Martian birthdays. Also rarer Jupiterian and Saturnian. And will you manage to live until your first birthday on Uranus? Let's see when is that.
Your age in years, days, and next birthday:
- 0.0 years
- 0 days
- Mar 29, 1970
Some key facts
- Discovered in: 14th century BC
- Type of planet: terrestrial
- Number of moons: 0
- Temperature: -173 to 427°C
- Mass relative to Earth: 0.06x
- Size relative to Earth: 0.38x
- Distance from the Sun: 0.39 AU
- Full revolution takes: 0.2408 years
- One spin takes: 58.6 days
Your age in years, days, and next birthday:
- 0.0 years
- 0 days
- Aug 13, 1970
Some key facts
- Discovered in: 17th century BC
- Type of planet: terrestrial
- Number of moons: 0
- Temperature: 462 °C
- Mass relative to Earth: 0.82x
- Size relative to Earth: 0.9x
- Distance from the Sun: 0.723 AU
- Full revolution takes: 0.61562 years
- One spin takes: 243 days
Your age in years, days, and next birthday:
- 0.0 years
- 0 days
- Jan 01, 2026
Some key facts
- Discovered in: -️
- Type of planet: terrestrial
- Number of moons: 1
- Temperature: -88 to 58°C
- Mass relative to Earth: 1x
- Size relative to Earth: 1x
- Distance from the Sun: 1 AU
- Full revolution takes: 1 year
- One spin takes: 1 day
Your age in years, days, and next birthday:
- 0.0 years
- 0 days
- Nov 18, 1971
Some key facts
- Discovered in: 2nd millenium BC
- Type of planet: terrestrial
- Number of moons: 2
- Temperature: -87 to -5 °C
- Mass relative to Earth: 0.11x
- Size relative to Earth: 0.53x
- Distance from the Sun: 1.524 AU
- Full revolution takes: 1.8809 years
- One spin takes: 1.025 days
Your age in years, days, and next birthday:
- 0.0 years
- 0 days
- Nov 11, 1981
Some key facts
- Discovered in: 7th or 8th century BC
- Type of planet: gas giant
- Number of moons: 79
- Temperature: -108 °C
- Mass relative to Earth: 317.8x
- Size relative to Earth: 11x
- Distance from the Sun: 5.203 AU
- Full revolution takes: 11.862 years
- One spin takes: 0.41 days
Your age in years, days, and next birthday:
- 0.0 years
- 0 days
- Jun 17, 1999
Some key facts
- Discovered in: 8th century BC
- Type of planet: gas giant
- Number of moons: 82
- Temperature: -139 °C
- Mass relative to Earth: 95x
- Size relative to Earth: 9.1x
- Distance from the Sun: 9.539 AU
- Full revolution takes: 29.458 years
- One spin takes: 0.45 days
Your age in years, days, and next birthday:
- 0.0 years
- 0 days
- Jan 04, 2054
Some key facts
- Discovered in: 1781/03/13
- Type of planet: ice giant
- Number of moons: 27
- Temperature: -197 °C
- Mass relative to Earth: 14.5x
- Size relative to Earth: 4x
- Distance from the Sun: 19.18 AU
- Full revolution takes: 84.01 years
- One spin takes: 0.72 days
Your age in years, days, and next birthday:
- 0.0 years
- 0 days
- Oct 17, 2134
Some key facts
- Discovered in: 1846/09/23
- Type of planet: ice giant
- Number of moons: 14
- Temperature: -201 °C
- Mass relative to Earth: 17x
- Size relative to Earth: 3.9x
- Distance from the Sun: 30.06 AU
- Full revolution takes: 164.79 years
- One spin takes: 0.67 days
Your age in years, days, and next birthday:
- 0.0 years
- 0 days
- Jul 19, 2218
Some key facts
- Discovered in: 1930/02/18
- Type of planet: dwarf
- Number of moons: 5
- Temperature: -229°C
- Mass relative to Earth: 0.002x
- Size relative to Earth: 0.18x
- Distance from the Sun: 39.53 AU
- Full revolution takes: 248.54 years
- One spin takes: 6.39 days
All in one place
Everything in one table
Planet | Age in years | Age in days | Birthday (next) |
Mercury | 0.0 years | 0 days | Mar 29, 1970 |
Venus | 0.0 years | 0 days | Aug 13, 1970 |
Earth | 0.0 years | 0 days | Jan 01, 2026 |
Mars | 0.0 years | 0 days | Nov 18, 1971 |
Jupiter | 0.0 years | 0 days | Nov 11, 1981 |
Saturn | 0.0 years | 0 days | Jun 17, 1999 |
Uranus | 0.0 years | 0 days | Jan 04, 2054 |
Neptune | 0.0 years | 0 days | Oct 17, 2134 |
Pluto | 0.0 years | 0 days | Jul 19, 2218 |
Don't float here all by yourself
Lets invite your friends for an interplanetary journey
Time to move on
Let's get down to Earth, shall we?
Thanks for visiting!
Live long and prosper